I LOVE PET!! vol. (I heard they nude when transform to human-form.I'm also not sure. but if you already give up with this game its ok because i just want to help. you should try to play this game yourself if you want to listen onos moaning, i love this game very much.

Some pets who have better intelligence/wisdom can control the timing when they transform but for some pets, these are random events that they cannot predict. Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook. Usually these pets transform according to their feelings and emotions. However, when they do, they still keep their animal ears and tail if they have any. This Drama CD is stories about your pet transform to human. He also hosted MAG Net between April 2014 to March 2013 with fellow. As of February 1, 2016, he became a freelance. Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly (/ ) and 7’scarlet () recently had Korean localizations released on January 9th and February 20th. Height: 175 cm (58.9') Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs) Ono Daisuke was affiliated with Aoni Production through its voice acting school and Mausu Promotion as his agency since the start of his voice acting career since 2001. Tell me who your favorite seiyuu that you want to become your PET? Ono Daisuke-san? Akira Ishida-san? Yusa Kouji-san? Kamiya Hiroshi-san? They are in THIS DRAMA CD !!! Yeah! I want listen your screaming fangirling !!!! My Pleasure when your scream 'Kyaaa'!! Thanks! He is known for his work on Attack on Titan (2013), JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven (2015). Otome Game / Unboxing Unboxing: Korean Releases of Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly (Limited Edition) and 7’scarlet. Okay, so.this time, I'm guarantee you love this Drama CD, especially for who loves treat any bishies into her PET!!! With nekomimi, inumimi, usagimimi!! So for who don't have any pet at home, here our beloved seiyuus and bishies dare become your PET!!

Okay! Forgot about him! I'm now in good mood to share another Drama CD WHEEEE!!! I'm excited because got someone outside there support my effort to sharing Drama CD Thanks a lot! I'll do much research for any new collection of Otome Drama CD! ^^ Hahaha! It's been long time I didn't write Journal.